In a study to be published soon in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, the authors evaluated the effect of surface pretreatment on the retention force of milled and cemented lithium disilicate crowns to implants with customized zirconia abutments using different resin cements.Recent advances in restorative dentistry have seen an increase in the use of ceramic restorations and zirconia implant abutments. Cemented implant crowns can prosthetically compensate for any unfavorable implant angles, facilitate passive fit and allow for correct contact. occlusal or facial anatomy.Recently, the customized zirconia implant abutments of ... READING IS RESERVED TO SUBSCRIBERS ATTENTION: Like other leading companies in the reference sectors, we are convinced of the value of the quality of information, the result of the careful work of professionals who seek every day to build valuable knowledge in a sea of information that is often untrue, approximate and conditioned.Precisely to pursue these purposes, some contents are reserved exclusively for registered users of Medikey and holders of a subscription to Dentistry33.If you have a coupon code, click here buy subscription Do you already have a subscription?Login: access medikey Related articles O33 prosthesis April 22, 2022 What is the most effective method to decontaminate zirconia artifacts before cementation?O33 prosthesis April 22, 2022 What is the most effective method for decontaminating zirconia artifacts before cementation?In an in vitro study published in the Journal of Dentistry, the authors studied the effectiveness of different cleaning and cleansing methods of zirconia artifacts ... by Lara Figini Read more interviews 12 November 2021 Innovative formula for the 40th AIOP International Congress interviews November 12, 2021 Innovative formula for the 40th AIOP International Congress It will take place on November 19 and 20, in Bologna, with the title "Current events in prostheses: in search of answers".We talked about it with the President of the Academy, Riccardo ... Read more O33 prosthesis 05 October 2020 The clinical success of three-element fixed prosthetic rehabilitations in zirconia with 14-year follow-up O33 prosthesis 05 October 2020 The clinical success of prosthetic rehabilitations three-unit fixed zirconia with 14-year follow-up Zirconia (ZrO2) is a high-strength polycrystalline ceramic and is considered a suitable material for single crowns (SC) and fixed multi-unit dental prostheses (FDP). . by Lara Figini Read more O33 prosthesis 16 July 2019 Which preparation to choose to ensure a better marginal adaptation to lithium disilicate crowns produced with CAD / CAM system?O33 prosthesis 16 July 2019 Which preparation to choose to ensure a better marginal adaptation to lithium disilicate crowns produced with CAD / CAM systematics?The increased aesthetic demand, without renouncing the preservation of biological structures, has led to the development and use, in recent years, of new types ... by Simona Chirico Read more O33 prosthesis 26 June 2019 Adhesive or conventional cementation for crowns?O33 prosthesis 26 June 2019 Adhesive or conventional cementation for crowns?Nowadays, the materials of choice for restoring single crowns are lithium disilicate and zirconia, both materials can be coated with ceramic ... by Lorenzo Breschi Read more More Articles Interviews 21 October 2022 Zirconia when and why to use it Interviews 21 October 2022 Zirconia when and why to use it The president of the IAOCI International Academy of Ceramic Implantology Sammy Noumbissi takes stock of Dentistry33.Here is the summary of his thought by Davis Cussotto. Read more Chronicle 21 October 2022 "Pathology and oral medicine", the new book EDRA in collaboration with SIPMO Chronicle 21 October 2022 "Pathology and oral medicine", the new book EDRA in collaboration with SIPMO To learn more the interactions between oral health and systemic health, but also to cope with the growing request for assistance from patients for ... In-depth analysis 21 October 2022 ECM: the point on the number of credits to be acquired and the deadlines The various bonuses provided and the credits assigned ex officio reduce the number of credits to be acquired by 31 December 2022. We have tried to summarize how many are really needed. Read more Chronicle 21 October 2022 Tac Cone Beam, AIO asks for a ministerial table Chronicle 21 October 2022 Tac Cone Beam, AIO asks for a Fiorile ministerial table: the clinical recommendations for the use of CBCT must be updated with particular regard to the legal possibility of complementary use for immediate diagnostic purposes. Read more Chronicle 21 October 2022 Prof.Orazio Schillaci is the new Minister of Health. Chronicle 21 October 2022 Prof.Orazio Schillaci is the new Minister of Health Specialist in nuclear medicine, he was rector of the faculty of medicine and dentistry of Tor Vergata of which he has been Magnificent Rector since 2019.Like other leading companies in the reference sectors, we are convinced of the value of information quality, the result of careful work by professionals who try every day to build valuable knowledge in a sea of information that is often untrue, approximate and conditioned.Precisely to pursue these purposes, some contents are reserved exclusively for registered users of Medikey and holders of a subscription to Dentistry33.If you have a coupon code, click hereDo you already have a subscription?Login:O33 prosthesis April 22, 2022O33 prosthesis April 22, 2022In an in vitro study published in the Journal of Dentistry, the authors investigated the effectiveness of different ways of cleaning and cleansing zirconia artifacts ...interviews 12 November 2021interviews 12 November 2021It will take place on 19 and 20 November, in Bologna, with the title "Current events in prostheses: in search of answers".We talked about it with the President of the Academy, Riccardo ...O33 prosthesis 05 October 2020O33 prosthesis 05 October 2020Zirconia (ZrO2) is a high strength polycrystalline ceramic and is considered a suitable material for single crowns (SC) and fixed multi-unit dental prostheses (FDP), ...O33 prosthesis July 16, 2019O33 prosthesis July 16, 2019The increased aesthetic demand, without renouncing the preservation of biological structures, has led to the development and use, in recent years, of new types ...O33 prosthesis 26 June 2019O33 prosthesis 26 June 2019Nowadays, the materials of choice for restoring single crowns are lithium disilicate and zirconia, both materials can be veneered with ceramic ...Interviews 21 October 2022Interviews 21 October 2022To take stock of Dentistry33 is the president of the IAOCI International Academy of Ceramic Implantology Sammy Noumbissi.Here is the summary of his thoughtChronicle October 21, 2022Chronicle October 21, 2022To deepen the interactions between oral health and systemic health, but also to cope with the growing request for assistance from patients for problems of ...O33 Insights 21 October 2022O33 Insights 21 October 2022The various bonuses provided and the credits assigned ex officio reduce the number of credits to be acquired by 31 December 2022. We have tried to summarize how many are really neededChronicle October 21, 2022Chronicle October 21, 2022Fiorile: clinical recommendations for the use of CBCT must be updated with particular regard to the legal possibility of complementary use for immediate diagnostic purposesChronicle October 21, 2022Chronicle October 21, 2022Specialist in nuclear medicine, he was rector of the faculty of medicine and dentistry of Tor Vergata of which he has been Magnificent Rector since 2019DENTAL CADMOS 2022 three-year 150 ECM creditsCourses FAD dentistry 2021 DENTAL CADMOS three-year 150 ECM credits from 2022 to 2024Courses FAD dentists DENTAL CADMOS 2022 and fad 50 ecm "Dentistry and mouth cancer" and "Endodontics: techniques and complex cases"CUT & SHAPE - Reasoned use of burs and sonic inserts in daily dentistryIN THE SIGN OF THE TOOTH - A brief history of the dental ex librisALIGNERS F22.FROM RESEARCH TO CLINICORTHODONTICS AND PERIODONTOLOGY - Combined treatments and clinical synergiesCanine included: digital planningCopyright © 2022 - All Rights ReservedAbout Us Authors Contact Us Legal Notice Privacy Search Site MediKey RegistrationAbout Us Authors Contact Us Legal Notice Privacy Search Site MediKey Registration