We are happy to announce that Anderman & Company Ltd UK, and its subsidiary in USA Anderman Ceramics Inc, has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification on 18th December 2020. This certification covers all businesses conducted from our UK and USA offices. The award of ISO follows an intensive 6-month period for the company to prepare processes for this certification. Our proud trading history for 74 years means that we have always operated strong and safe procedures for delivering quality to our customers and ensuring safe environments for our employees. ISO award is justification of this. Commenting on the award Chief executive Officer Dr John Verrier said: I am very pleased and proud that the company has achieved this significant milestone. My thanks go to all of the staff, and outside advisors, for making this possible. We now look forwards to also achieving this milestone for Anderman Ceramics EU operation based in France Our business operates as an important interface between ceramic manufacturing technology and end user applications in fields such as aerospace, automotive, power and medical. An award such as this will help underpin our efforts to deliver exceptional service levels to all of our customers and suppliers in these demanding industries. For more information, please visit our trading website https://www.earthwaterfire.com/about-us/ or corporate website https://www.andermangroup.com/ Anderman Ceramics Ltd Established in 1947 and its experience in sourcing, stocking and selling technical ceramics worldwide has positioned Anderman Ceramics at the highest levels of product and service quality. We offer an extensive range of standard technical ceramics products, as well as, custom - design components. For more information about our Anderman Ceramics products please visit https://www.earthwaterfire.com - ends - Contact: Dr John Verrier Managing Director Anderman Ceramics Ltd Unit 117 Oak Drive Hartlebury Trading Centre, Kidderminster Worcestershire DY10 4JB e-mail: john.verrier@andermanceramics.com
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